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Bon Jovi nekünk
létrehozva: 2012. 11. 28.
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2013. 02. 04. 19:37
Hey Bon Jovi
Just five day and the big moment is start. I would llike to wish good work and much love for the fans I know that you can do this tour Because You Can! Tace care oke?
Just five day and the big moment is start. I would llike to wish good work and much love for the fans I know that you can do this tour Because You Can! Tace care oke?
2013. 01. 06. 16:47
2013. 01. 04. 21:31
Hey Jon Bon Jovi and Bon Jovi!
Your music and your personality is in my heart. I grew up from Always and Keep The Faith,ect. Lot of fun waith for you in Hungary Please come there and push a effin good 2 or 3 our concert!!!! Because You Can!!!!!!!! We. fans love you so much arent we?! jon, tico, richie david, ect, god bless you from the bottom of our heart!!!!
Your music and your personality is in my heart. I grew up from Always and Keep The Faith,ect. Lot of fun waith for you in Hungary Please come there and push a effin good 2 or 3 our concert!!!! Because You Can!!!!!!!! We. fans love you so much arent we?! jon, tico, richie david, ect, god bless you from the bottom of our heart!!!!
2012. 12. 06. 20:25
Kedves Vendeg!
Szerintem is, de en ugy orulnek, ha nalunk is lenne egy hiper szuper Bon Jovi koncert!!
Szerintem is, de en ugy orulnek, ha nalunk is lenne egy hiper szuper Bon Jovi koncert!!
2012. 12. 05. 16:43
2012. 11. 29. 8:28
2012. 11. 28. 20:44