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Basszusgitar Jolana Basaro 1966 vagy 1961
létrehozva: 2005. 05. 14.
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2024. 08. 26. 10:04
Buy 100% undetectable counterfeit money grade AAA+ ,SSD CHEM and CLONED CARDS FOR SALE @()WhatsApp: +237673528224
We are the best and Unique producer of HIGH QUALITY Undetectable Counterfeit Banknotes, with over a billion
of our products circulating around the world.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which could trigger a global recession, we produce genuine dollar, British pound and euro banknotes with different serial numbers on each account. We stock semi-finished banknote bases that have already been engraved and designed on the front and back of the various currencies of each denomination. We need a partner with whom we will work discreetly to complete the production of our semi-finished banknote substrates and make them legal tender that we will discuss in a personal meeting if you agree to work with us. We will schedule an appointment to show you everything and discuss all details and prepare samples so you can pass the test to confirm authenticity. All notes will pass important test such as ultraviolet light, pencil test,
All Inquiries Below
WhatsApp: +237673528224
Telegram ID : @Coolestguy57
WIRE ID :@coolestguy57
Signal : @coolestguy57.16
We are the best and Unique producer of HIGH QUALITY Undetectable Counterfeit Banknotes, with over a billion
of our products circulating around the world.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which could trigger a global recession, we produce genuine dollar, British pound and euro banknotes with different serial numbers on each account. We stock semi-finished banknote bases that have already been engraved and designed on the front and back of the various currencies of each denomination. We need a partner with whom we will work discreetly to complete the production of our semi-finished banknote substrates and make them legal tender that we will discuss in a personal meeting if you agree to work with us. We will schedule an appointment to show you everything and discuss all details and prepare samples so you can pass the test to confirm authenticity. All notes will pass important test such as ultraviolet light, pencil test,
All Inquiries Below
WhatsApp: +237673528224
Telegram ID : @Coolestguy57
WIRE ID :@coolestguy57
Signal : @coolestguy57.16
Ward Liam
2024. 08. 22. 19:36
A Jolana Basaro tényleg különleges hangszer, főleg ha 1956-os vagy 1961-es, de még az 1966-os évjárat is keresett. A karcolások és festéklepattanások sajnos rontják az értékét, de a piros sunburst mindig vonzó. Ha a hangszer szemből jól néz ki, az már jó jel. Az online szerencsejátékok világában, akárcsak a https://bet-match.io/ kaszinóban, a részletek nagyon fontosak. A BetMatch például a nyerőgépek széles választékát kínálja, és a piac egyik vezetője, épp úgy, mint egy ritka Jolana a vintage gitárok piacán. Szerintem érdemes megmutatni egy szakértőnek, hogy pontos értéket kapj.
2005. 05. 14. 20:20
Sziasztok tudnatok segiteni abban, hogy mennyit er a fent emlitett Cseh basszus gitar? Az ev hogy mikor keszult kerdeses 1961 vayg 1966 de van akiazt mondta, hogy 1956 nah mindegy. Tehat Jolana Basaro eleg jo allapotban.
Szembol jol nez a hatulja viszont eleg karcos es a feste is egy kicsit hianyos, a nyakan is egy kicst hianyos a festek a felso poziciokban. Egyebkent piros sunburst.
Szembol jol nez a hatulja viszont eleg karcos es a feste is egy kicsit hianyos, a nyakan is egy kicst hianyos a festek a felso poziciokban. Egyebkent piros sunburst.